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Narsha Bulgakbaev
Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success

World ethics

The question of what secular ethics is can be answered by the definition of the term «secular» – not citizenship, but the church. Thus, secular ethics is a set of moral principles based on the activities of civil society without the influence of the Church. These principles are usually distinguished by reason rather than human reason. It regulates moral relations between people, introduces the concepts of good and evil, and develops mercy, without which the life of a civilized society is impossible.

Ethics on the Internet

The ethics of network communication on the Internet is a person’s relationship when there is no personal contact with an opponent. Despite this possibility, this is not a decision about injustice and outrage on the lips of others. In addition to the general problem of communicating on the World Wide Web, online ethics may include the following principles: keep the conversation on topic; contact interviewees on your behalf, absence of plagiarism and reference sign; discussion of advertising terms; Message writing features include font, size, text color, presence of pictures, or smile.

Social work ethics

For a civilized society, the ethics of social work, including the norms of interaction between people in society, are integral. Such rules or principles can regulate a person’s activities in society, support his life, and increase the responsibility of those responsible for the normal development of society. For the successful development of the environment, it is very important to adhere to the norms of public morality.

Moral ethics

The concepts of ethics and morality are often used in the same context. Morality is a norm for regulating behavior or evaluating a person’s actions, his relationships with society, as well as the characteristics of political and interstate interaction. Moral ethics also includes a system of similar norms that operate in different spheres of society: production; family; political; religious. In any case, it is important to remember ethics, and this concept exists not only to regulate, but also to evaluate the interaction of people in different spheres of life. Based on ethical standards, you can find the balance necessary for a better life, understand the line between good and evil, learn to be fair and kind, which is sometimes not enough in modern society.

Ethics (Greek ethos – skills, traditions) is a system of ethics about the various types and norms of morality in various social phenomena. As a term and a specific subject of study, Aristotle begins with his works. The term «ethism» is included in the titles of three of Aristotle’s works devoted to the problem of good will («Ethics of Nicomans», «Ethics of Eudemus», «Great Ethics»).

Aristotle identified three main problems, the theory of ethics, the book of ethics and talks about the practice of ethics. At first, morality was used as the Latin equivalent of ethism in Greek, then in the educational tradition, ethism was considered as a science, and morality as its subject. Typically, ethical thinking begins by talking about the diversity of human behavior and traditions. Socrates realized that it was necessary to appeal to reason in order to evaluate and differentiate different patterns of behavior. Plato learned that man can live in a state of comprehensive organization, and only when wise philosophers follow his rules can he achieve maturity of spirituality and character. As the owner of sanity, a person who has realized his own potential is the leader of his life, determines the goal and directs politics, economics, which is the basis of the state, with the help of ethical standards. The concept of ethism is described in detail in D. Hume’s work «Human Nature». In the traditional worldview of the Kazakh people, the concept of conscience was used as an alternative to the concept of ethism and was presented as the main theme. Ethics consists of three parts:

– Theoretical ethics

– Regulatory Ethics

– Empirical ethics.

Theoretical ethics – explores the basic concepts of ethics, its research foundations, the history of its development as a science.

Normative ethics provides for the main ethical categories: mercy and compassion, kindness, morality, honor, dignity, duty, etc.

Empirical ethics provides an understanding of the real moral character of human society in certain periods.

Independent ethics is a logic that is based on the idea that the principles and requirements of morality do not depend on external circumstances and interests. I. Kant was the first to develop the principles of autonomous ethics in contrast to the ethical traditions of the French Enlightenment. He tried to replace the idea that the specific morality of the individual is the basis of general morality, arguing that the interests of the individual are based on the basis of «moral and legal property», based on personality, behavior, independent of external «expropriating» effects. But morality is not connected with social practice, and the deviation led to apriorism (knowledge acquired before and independently of experience) and formalism. Kant’s ideas about the principles of autonomous ethics are in the area of intuitionism and neo-Protestantism of modern philosophy. Marxist ethics recognizes the idea of moral independence as scientific, idealistic and believes that any moral principle represents a historical social need.

Morality includes a set of moral interests and needs. Autonomous and heteronomous ethics (gr. autos – I and heteros – others) Bourbois ethical theories. Autonomous ethics arises from morally innate, unfounded idealistic notions of moral duty. It is based on the principle that morality is at the core of the subject itself. A person develops the law of self-confidence; in this regard, it does not depend on any external influence. Speaking against the ethics of the French materialists of the 1st century, Kant developed the idea of autonomous ethics in his work «Practical Integrity,» where he put forward the principle of morality. In heteroindustrial ethics, which opposes autonomy, morality comes from reasons that do not depend on the will of the active subject. Such external reasons include the laws of the state, religion, duty, then marriage, human interest, the desire to do good for people. Bourgeois theorists attribute heteroprofessional ethics to ethical hedonism, eudaimonism, utilitarianism, which base their principles of faith on proper satisfaction, happiness, the desire for profit and some other systems. Distinguishing between autonomous ethics and heteroprofessional ethics is not a science. He tries to deny that faith depends on objective laws: the idealistic principle of autonomy of the will, the active role of the subject in society.

Bioethics is a science that examines ethical issues in biology. Topical issues of our time have become the issues of extending human life, revitalization and adaptation of artificial people, sorting talented individuals genetically, combating hereditary diseases, using human organs for medical purposes, etc. In bioethics studies, moral qualities are analyzed through evolution, which spans all life, and what promotes its development is a positive value and a negative value that opposes it.

Bioethics developed alongside movements such as evolutionary ethics, environmental ethics, and social biology. Scientists who contributed to the development of bioethics: G. Spencer, Teilhard de Chardin, K. Waddington, D. Kozlovsky and others are closely related to the modern global paradigm (a certain set of concepts or thinking patterns)

Individual ethics is the part of ethics that applies only to the individual, regardless of public ethics. Individual ethics is seen as contrary to the relations of human nature, in which the group is accustomed to assert its individuality and morality, despite external social dependencies.

Evolutionary ethics is a form of ethical theories that argue that the basis of reason is rooted in human nature. English scientist with an evolutionary approach to ethics, Author G. Spencer. However, the main ideas of evolutionary ethics were taken from philosophical empiricism and ethical scientism and proposed by another English scientist Charles Darwin, who tried to substantiate this philosophy in the context of natural science. According to Darwin’s basic ideas: society lives by social instincts, public opinion is born on the basis of human language, social instinct is dictated by tradition, etc., evolutionary ethics considers human moral behavior as a function of adaptation to the environment. The measure of morality is considered to be a developmental process that spans the entire life. Its development is promoted by both goodness and the fight against corruption. Researchers in evolutionary ethics reject the heirs of the ethical-philosophical theory of attitudes and describe morality as a form of goal-directed or adaptive behavior.

Morality (lat. moralis – custom) is a principle regulating relations between people and public associations; a social institution that performs the functions of regulating human behavior, that is, a set of social qualities. Morality refers to a special form of social consciousness that reflects the ethical qualities of social reality (traceability, kindness, justice, behavior, custom, etc.). There are a number of moral features: Moral rules and requirements underlie the values that society has adhered to for centuries and are of a general nature; Moral principles and feelings are normative, obligatory, relevant; Morality refers to that type of social heritage that is above the level of everyday life; Morality is not recognized by state authorities; it is associated with human freedom.

Morality is a historical phenomenon, an object of study in ethics. We call this morality – a set of norms and principles of moral behavior that exist among people living in a certain society. Morality is a symbol of a person’s ability to live in society, to be in harmonious relationships with others.


In other words, morality is a set of rules of kindness and morality. Following moral standards, each person creates his own moral, human qualities. Morality has historically been formed as a result of people’s ability to live together in order to overcome contradictions that arise in the way of communication. Morality has its roots in the last days. One can imagine that the time gap that will distance us from our oldest surname is enormous. If we take one hundred percent of the historical period of the formation of humanity, then only one percent of them are historical lyceums of our «famous name.» That is, the culturally civilized period of humanity, which boasts five to six thousand years, is infinitely less than the «history» of humanity before it. This is a long period of time that surprises us because of what we understand. From the experience of living together, the development of culture, moral standards and its implementation was controlled by public opinion. Moral standards are recognized as forms of cooperation and strengthening of morality. An individual has the ability to regulate his behavior, mastering the ethical culture of society, and can give a moral assessment of what is happening around him. As a result, a person becomes a subject of human qualities, thanks to which high moral, human qualities are formed, such as morality, responsibility, duty, honor, goodness. Moral consciousness operates only where there is choice. It is difficult to give a moral assessment to forced actions. Therefore, questions of motive, intention, purpose are at the forefront of moral consciousness. There will be three stages of moral consciousness.

The first includes the inner world of human superstitions, i.e. Moral needs and abilities, emotions, etc. The second stage of ethical consciousness is the moral concepts that have passed through the tendons of the rational mind. Rational moral, as a rule, based on various ethical rules, ethical against morality consists of ethical theories. The third stage of moral consciousness is moral intuition. The main part of the morality is the action, behavior. In moral behavior, you must be able to distinguish between motives, tools and results. In accordance with various spheres of social relations, the types of professional, family, household, etc. are determined.

Kazakh thinkers about morality. Kazakh culture originated at the junction of the Turkic civilization and Arab-Muslim civilization. Start standing with the teacher of Al-Farabi Turks, which combined the influence of these two cultural spaces in the views of the Kazakh people about morality. If we briefly take a look at the history of culture, we learn that the Middle Ages have a greatly ahead of the cultural development of Eastern and Western Europe. Already in the Middle Ages, Renaissance features were manifested in the Arab Muslim civilization region: first, the flourishing of urban culture; The focus is on science and education; The ancient heritage was taken, translations were made, followers of Greek philosophers (peripatetics, neopotonics) appeared. Al-Farabi, one of the followers of the peripatetism of the Schirus or Aristotle, who received the title of «Second Teacher» of scientists of the world, considered ethics as a science that allows to distinguish good and evil. Al-Farabi uses the central concept of Greek ethics – Eudemona – in its ethical writes. In the treatise «Guide to happiness», a great teacher says not about the unspeakable happiness of the other world, but about the happiness of a living person in his real life. To achieve this, a person must constantly improve. In short, Al-Farabi says that the achievement of its goals depends on the people around. A person must constantly improve spiritually. A person comes to the conclusion that he can achieve the truth, only calling the world around. Another product of Al-Farabi, showing an ethical point of view, is the «point of view of the inhabitants of the Good City». There, the philosopher believes that a good ruler should manage the city that its inhabitants are happy. The characteristics of a good ruler are as follows: Fair, kind, well-educated, fascinated, bold, generous. The eudemonic state of Farabi, who believed that the happiness of a separate person is connected with the happiness of society as a whole.

Yusup Balasaguni – genius, thinker, philosopher. It is said that the main idea of the poem «Kutta Bilyk» – about its moral principles and requirements of the Turkic era. The first is the right and fair position of the state; The second is the desire to get a blessing; The third is the mind; And the fourth is the question of satisfaction. The prototypes of the positions mentioned by the Yusup are that the king is an image of justice; His question from the point of view of garden wealth; Wisdom is visible – the image of Ugdulmis; And Daruisch Odgurmish shows the problem of satisfaction. In the work of «Kutta Bilyk», written in the didactic, i.e. educational style, the issue of customs and morality is much discussed.

Abai, discussing the theme of ethics, pays great attention to the issue of faith. The term «faith» entered the Kazakh consciousness through Islamism. This is a synonym for isolation. At the heart of his thirty-sixth, edification of Abay analyzes the concept of shame based on the proverb «Who has a shame, there and faith in God.» The poet divides shame into two types: shame arising from ignorance; Shame arising from faith in God. Their difference is the causes of shame. The first is caused by laziness, cowardice, lack of energy and irresponsibility, even if there is no countering sharia or mind. The second is a high feeling that harms a ball, mind or morality or begins with harm to honor in the path of lust and causes an internal punishment. «Shame is the name of a person’s own humanity, the name of that pressure that you have on your neck,» Defines Abai. Despite the fact that religious content dominates in the concept of faith, both in terms of its initial meaning and in terms of the method of its penetration into consciousness, Abay takes faith as a measurement of humanity. As Abai understands, limit the desire to know, not to demand, neglected by his actions – this is a disbelief in God. Abay sharply criticized the strange behavior and the bad nature of his people along with positive qualities. We all know it since childhood: gossip, lie, pride, lazy, scatters livestock… in verses, the image of ignorance of Kazakh people, full of life and compost, is represented with heartbreaking straightness. Abai, at his thirty-fourth editing, says: «All people are human friends.» Knowing the short-termness of this world, they argue with each other, they are angry with everything they see, and come to the conclusion that the enmity brings little good to the human soul. Abay said to his descendants: «Be a man!» who preached his truth.

Shakarim is Abai’s younger brother, who dedicated his life to the future of his people. In «three truths» he writes:

With hard work and expression

If art concerns the mind,

Good mood, good life

If every lesson is read.

Shakarim, who recognizes morality as «conscience,» thinks a lot about moral behavior. He explains that the human way is to benefit humanity, to do good. To do this, a person must be able to get rid of his shortcomings and live in such a way as not to pollute his conscience.

The author, realizing that the content of conscience consists of fidelity, justice and mercy, connects them with the concept of humanity. There are three things that can be called a pure garden: a pure mind, ideal speech, honest work. If these three unite, they will destroy hell on earth. He believes that conscience exists even in the next world. You have to believe that it exists without proof. «If a person is completely convinced that there is life in death and its food is conscience, nothing can darken his heart. Treating everyone as yourself and living life together with goodness, this is the real Muslim path, says Shakarim in «Three Truths»: Why does a person need humanity? To be better than animals.

Moral philosophy is a very ancient form of social consciousness, which, together with social relations, grows and grows. A system of principles, actions, norms that regulate the interaction of people with each other, with social groups, with all systems of society. Moral standards are based on assessing relationships between people in the context of good and bad. People judged their actions as good or bad. In early societies, people solve problems among themselves based on morality. The long-established customs of Ru have become a masterpiece for everyone, because they answer the will of the members of society and satisfy their needs. Morality represents the interests of all citizens, dreams and desires, reflects the correct relationship between society and human interests, puts the interests of the individual high: to show any citizen that he is equal to other people, regardless of nationality or income; suggests the same size for activity assessment. They are reinforced by the example of the masses, customs and the influence of public opinion. Therefore, moral requirements are not imposed by decree of an individual, but are a form of behavior that all people must perform. For a deeper understanding of the meaning of moral consciousness, let us compare it with legal consciousness. Here is the difference between morality and law: From the point of view of formation: morality is formed in connection with the emergence of society, and law comes along with the state. From the point of view of the type of statement: Moral lives directly in the actions of people as a form of public consciousness, and the right is reflected in special provisions; From the point of view of the sphere of action, morality can regulate all social relations, and the right can cover only the fundamental relations that it wants to be. From the point of view of the period of action: the moral norms will begin to act from the moment they will begin to understand them, and legal norms can only act with a specially designated time. From the point of view of the implementation method: moral norms are implemented through public influence, and legal norms require state intervention. From the point of view of the evaluation size: moral norms regulate social relations in the context of good and evil, and legal norms regulate in the context of law, lawlessness. Moral Lead and Mr. Slavera – the idea (Moral Mr.-slave) is considered the main ethical idea of Friedrich Nietzsche, which is widely discussed and comprehensively formulated in the books «Good and bad» and «Moral chronicle.» In passionate impact on traditional ethical rules and sharp criticism, Nietzsche came to the conclusion that there will be two different morals, checking the traditional Christian ethics and faith in the mind, analyzing various ethical images: ethics rulers, owners, favorite tenants and ethics of slavery of weak, unbelievers, stupid.. Here I analyzed the ethics from the point of view of values, life positions, intermediary relationships and the future, and also determined moral The difference between the tenor and slavery. Signs of slavery and dedication. Mera morality uses a measure that is not a measure of slavery morality. The rule of morality is self-dedication (ie dedication), absorption, activity; The rule of slave morality is self-destruction and self-destruction. Who in which morality is, is determined not his name and social status, but a sense of mood, which is attached to his actions.
