Unexpected the bell. Play for 2 people

Николай Владимирович Лакутин
Unexpected the bell. Play for 2 people

Andrei: Yes, and as you I, too, was. Young, hot. Oh, Oh, well, these are not shy, kissing, directly frankly, completely surrendering to each other. I so, too, did (goes to table with wine and some snack, communicates with the viewer). Angelica, as it is now, remember. At first I thought that the name she came up with, and he wasn't in the passport as it was written. I still remember her face when she showed me her passport after my week-long attacks on it. I understand, got. Of course I did. But I understand that now. And then realized only when a lost person. Though… what's changed? I and now one and now in the loneliness begin to see clearly as never…

(He fills his glass with wine, returns to the window. Looks the in him, then in hall).

Andrew: recently, the window is for me the only outlet in life. Nights are very hard. Because you're alone at night. And then it gets really scary. Because they begin to torment the facts about a life lived unsuccessfully, about achievements that do not exist, about love that did not save, about children that did not deserve…(she ruffles her hair.) All this is like a snowball rolls up to the throat, and there is no escape from it. How many books reread, how many films revised. Understanding began to come, and the time is lost.

(He exhales heavily, nods at the reflection in the window and at pathos.)

Andrey: Happy birthday to me, Andrey Petrovich!

(In apartment is dealt telephone phone call, from which Andrei slightly bounces, spilling wine on shirt. The actor shows the viewer sincere surprise and misunderstanding, who could it be).

Andrew: Strange? (she puts the glass on the table, he shakes his shirt hastily, hurries to the phone, picks it up) Hello?

(A pleasant female voice sounds.)

Alena: Hello. Where are you now?"

Andrew (dumbfounded): I'm home…

Alyona: and what the hell?

Andrew: what do you mean?

Alain: In what sense? I've been waiting for you for an hour. I sit here like a fool, and you… you…

(Alena hangs up. Frequent short beeps are heard. Face Andrei expresses not the amusing confusion, not the anger, word, confusion with mimic admixtures madman).

Andrei: As something directly even sensed themselves a bastard on a second (hangs up). What was that all about?

(Phone rings again, Andrei looks at him with sarcasm).

Andrew: to take – not to Take?

(Picks up the receiver.)

Alyona: have you conscience at all there is?

Andrew: Well, up to this point it was assumed that it is available in some quantity (the smile on her face suggests that he realizes that the girl got the wrong number).

Alyona: in what such a numbers she have you there there is? Andrew!

(Andrei's grin fades as soon as he hears his name on the phone, he becomes alert.)

Alena: I do not understand, I wait for you at all, or not?

Andrew (in confusion): Wait…

Alyona: I Wait another ten minutes and then I leave. Forever (hangs up)!

Andrew: Strange citizen. He knows my name. Where is she waiting for me?

(Andrew hangs up, walks around the apartment in thought).

Andrey: there would be a determinant of the number… So I would call back to clarify. But nothing. And the sad thing is, she'll be gone in ten minutes. Forever! (adds mockingly) from someone… (he pauses.) I wonder from whom? (He goes to the window, looks there, turns to the auditorium.) Did she have the wrong number or not? Could this be a prank? If so, she's a professional actress. What if it's not a hoax? No, I don't remember negotiating anything like that with anyone. But what if it was fate? What if this is my last chance? (Adds) was.

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