Monetary horoscope for 2018. Russian horoscope

Александр Невзоров
Monetary horoscope for 2018. Russian horoscope

© Alexander Nevzorov, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-0282-8

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


Everywhere money, gentlemen
Like words from a song, yes
And without money life is bad
Not suitable anywhere
As in past years
Money warms the soul, yes
And I will say definitely
Will be fashionable always
In the eighteenth year
Do not change the fashion that
And the desire to grab money
Will not reduce the severity

Aries (21.03 – 19.04)

Aries Collector
Like a young pioneer
He collects coins
Our signs are not an example
Deeper need to look
In money, the essence is a little digging
And the program for the parish
Money Aries deploy
Cash flow plan
On the economic expenditure
Course plan
Maneuver and bypass